Oh, great.
Just great.
Morning, love.
Hi, Sam.
These are the keys to the Everett house.
Oops, how much?
Uh, 95, but they'll settle for/ 88.
I'll take a look at it.
12:30, right?
I know you thought I forgot.
Now let that be a lesson to you.
Oh, listen.
One thing.
Uh, can we make a stop on the way to lunch?
There's a listing I wanna take a look
All right.
Bye, then.
used to mean that
something is very bad
used to express mild dismay, chagrin, surprise, etc., as at one's
own mistake, a clumsy act, or social blunder
省略了後面的三個 0
【settle for】
to accept or agree to something, especially something that is less
than what you want
省略了後面的三個 0